In April, the River Walk held the Ford Mariachi Festival for three nights during Fiesta. Over 20 schools and Folklorico groups participated in the event. The River Walk also held the Fiesta Artisan Show.
During the first week of May, 16 boats launched nightly for three nights during the Stella Artois Drift & Dine. Each night, the boats took guests to five River Walk restaurants to dine on a delicious offering from each restaurant. Guests also experienced entertainment, an appetizer, and dessert at the cast-off area.
During the month, staff worked on many future events, especially the upcoming Bud Light Pride River Parade & Celebration on June 18 and the Armed Forces River Parade scheduled for July 2.
All events have been highlighted in the April, May, and upcoming June issues of Rio Magazine.
The River Walk Advisory Committee and Operators also had their monthly meetings.