Si San Antonio   
The Si San Antonio summer promotion is in full swing. In less than a month, as of this week, the Si San Antonio landing page has seen more than 12,000 page views and the pass has been downloaded 650 times. We are expanding our promotional efforts for Si San Antonio by adding 100 floor decals that feature the Si San Antonio promotion QR code throughout high-traffic areas in downtown San Antonio. Digital ads, social promotions that include both paid and organic efforts, and video ads will continue throughout the summer months.   

Digital Visitor’s Guide  

The new all-digital Visit San Antonio Leisure Guide launched in June. The guide provides content to both entice visitors to choose San Antonio as a choice destination and assist in planning out how and where to allocate time spent in the community. Promotion for the Visitor’s Guide includes efforts on all Visit San Antonio social channels, real estate on the website’s home page, a pop-up on the home page and rack cards distributed with QR codes to Texas Travel Information Centers throughout the state.  

Promote Your Events   

Make sure consumers know all they can experience in San Antonio. Add your events to the Event Calendar. The Submit an Event link now appears at the bottom of every page of to make it easier for you.

You do not have to be a Visit San Antonio member to add events.