Hospitality tourism partners and community business leaders alike are invited to the SACVB’s Annual Meeting on Monday, October 20, 3:30 p.m. at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, 100 Auditorium Circle. This year’s venue inspires the theme of cultural tourism and the San Antonio CVB is pleased to announce this year’s keynote speakers:

  • Andrew Nelson, Contributing Editor for National Geographic Traveler
  • Mark Nerenhausen, Professor of Practice at Syracuse University

The lineup also includes a first look at the new Hospitality Economic Impact Study, the CVB's FY 2014-2015 priorities and new partnership opportunities, and surprise performances! The recipients of the Robert H.H. Hugman and Con Corazon Awards will also be announced.

Immediately following the program, we will host a reception in the foyer of the all-new Tobin Center. Tours of the new center and complimentary parking will also be available. This free industry event is truly an action-packed, information-filled one that you won’t want to miss! Invite your colleagues and team members!

Please RSVP by Friday, October 17. We look forward to seeing all of our partners on October 20!

In The Heart,
