Dear Partners,

We are excited to announce that this month’s Executive Summary was released this morning! If you are not familiar with one of our newest Partner Communication tools, it is designed exclusively for you – to keep our partners and stakeholders in the know of the activities of the San Antonio Convention & Visitors Bureau (SACVB) and local tourism industry.

In this month’s issue, you will find:

  • Exciting information on Texas Highways and the Ford Holiday River Parade & Lighting Ceremony
  • Exclusive CTA Renewal Discount & Incentive Information
  • Updates on how the SACVB has been addressing Key Priorities for 2015
  • Partnership information from each one of the SACVB departments
  • …and so much more!

To learn more about all of these exciting efforts, I encourage you to sign up to receive the SACVB Executive Summary. In addition, should you have any questions or suggestions for next month’s newsletter, don’t hesitate to contact me.

In The Heart,
