In July, the River Walk Operations held the Armed Forces River Parade sponsored by Budweiser and put out over 1500 American Flags along the River Walk as part of the Bud Light Stars, Stripes, & Lights. Flags were also placed on bridges. A press conference held at the Drury Plaza Riverwalk Hotel kicked off ticket sales for the Ford Holiday River Parade along with announcing the theme, Holiday Tastes & Traditions Around the World, and the Grand Marshal. This year’s Grand Marshal will be the Grinch as the Broadway production of Dr. Suess’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Musical will play at the Majestic Theater the week following the November 25th parade. VSA also participated in the press conference to announce the SpiritLandia Festival and Day of the Dead River Parade scheduled for Thursday, October 27. The River Walk Division has been working on the upcoming Ford Parade of Lights to be held from 8pm-10pm on weekend evenings over Labor Day and the following weekend. Also, the Rey Feo King & Queen’s River Parade for Education is being planned for on Sunday, September 25 starting at 7:30pm. The August Rio Magazine issue focuses on great River Walk dining and end-of-summer shopping and activities.