Destination Experience Team provided support to 211 meeting/convention groups convening in San Antonio who represented over 198,867 attendees and over 206,728 total room nights.  The estimated economic impact of these groups was $150.8 million. The Destination Experience Managers coordinated and lead 24 planning site visits during Q2 for groups who will meet in San Antonio between 2023 and 2024.  

In an effort to enhance customer engagement during their convention, Destination Experience launched a new Social Enhancement program offering 15 key groups a hosted reception at the HBGCC. This Social Enhancement is designed to connect VSA, HBGCC and customer leadership in a social setting to further a strong partnership. These groups below have enjoyed this initiative to show our appreciation.   

  • San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 
  • Texas Computer Education Association 
  • America Academy of Allergy Asthmas & Immunology  
  • Ace Hardware 
  • Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses 

Upcoming April/May/June Citywide Groups (1,000+ Peak): 

  • Vision Source (4/19 – 4/22)  
  • Oncology Nursing Society (4/26 – 4/30)  
  • Society of American Military Engineers (5/2 – 5/4)  
  • Texas Dental Association (5/4 – 5/6)  
  • Tyler Technologies, Inc. (5/7 – 5/10)  
  • US Travel Association (5/20 – 5/24) 
  • American Society of Safety Professionals (6/5 – 6/7) 
  • American Bankers Association (6/13 – 6/16) 
  • Texas Association of School Boards (6/13 – 6/17) 
  • BODi (6/21 – 6/24) 

Customer Spotlight: 

The Restaurant Facility Management Association brought together a sold-out show of more than 1,750 attendees and exhibitors to San Antonio March 21-23, 2023. The RFMA Annual Conference is comprised of restaurant facility professionals from across the United States with a focus in departments including construction, development, IT, energy, design, sourcing and more. For the opening general session, RFMA engaged with local Champion High School from Boerne ISD to perform a custom welcome song for all attendees. This was RFMA’s first-time in in San Antonio and surely not the last.  

Destination Sales

The second quarter of Fiscal Year 2023 proved to be a strong convention sales production quarter.  The Convention Sales Team finished the second quarter booking 178 events, resulting in 68% (361 events) to goal for the first 6 months of FY 2023.  March was the strongest month of the quarter for future room nights booked, with 41,816 rooms confirmed, finishing the first half of the year at 48% of the room night target.   

Q2’s sales production includes many new and short-term business for San Antonio. 90% of the events booked occurred in 2023, or will occur between now and the end of 2024, as well as 33% (or 59 events) of these future events are new to San Antonio.  In addition, we placed nine citywide events within our destination which puts the team at 46% to the annual goal of 50 citywide events.  All event bookings year to date will have a future economic impact of $204.1 million for San Antonio. 

The 2nd quarter of FY2023 also saw the following travel and trade shows: 


  • PCMA Annual Convening Leaders – Columbus, OH 
  • Southwest Showcase – Austin, TX 
  • RCMA Emerge – Chattanooga, TN 


  • NYSAE Meet NY – New York, NY 
  • Maritz Rodeo FAM – San Antonio, TX 


  • MIC Colorado Education Conference & Tradeshow – Denver, CO 
  • Power or Purpose DC: Showcase, IAEE Women’s Leadership Conference – National Harbor, MD 
  • SISO CEO Summit – Las Vegas, NV 
  • Conference Direct APM – Louisville, KY 

Destination Experience

Destination Experience provides world-class support services for groups of all sizes. Our professional offerings include guiding meeting planners as they navigate the authentic brand story of the city and by connecting groups with the local community to give back through social responsibility activities, provide comprehensive welcome programs, development of microsites, referrals to partners (service providers, venues, restaurants, speakers, etc.), and providing collateral produced by Visit San Antonio (maps, restaurant guides, discount programs) and more.   

Groups with a 1,000+ on peak nights are paired with a dedicated destination experience manager who focuses additional support to attendance building and promotion of San Antonio. Groups requesting support via the Visit San Antonio website, calls, and hotel bookings are accommodated with consultative online services that empower them to take charge of their planning needs.   

Highlighted activities:  

  • Achieved an overall Destination Experience survey satisfaction score of 4/4.   
  • Serviced 211 groups with hotel blocks representing just over 206,728 room nights, 198,867 attendees, estimated EEIC total of $150.8 million and supported 62,500 jobs.    
  • Participated in five prior year promotions for definite meetings confirmed for San Antonio to promote the destination and boost attendance for these convention groups.  
  • Conducted 24 planning site visits with confirmed future groups. 
  • Orchid Events, exclusive housing provider, currently has seven groups projected to manage housing in 2023. In the fiscal year 2nd Quarter (January – March 2023), Orchid Events had three groups convene in San Antonio representing just over 30,650 total room nights. These groups were: Texas Computer Education Association, Texas Music Educators Association, Restaurant Facility Management Association.