Dear Partners,

Visit San Antonio will celebrate the work of convention services professionals (convention services managers, event coordinators, catering managers, etc.) during National Celebrate Services Week, Monday, July 30, 2018.

The theme, “We’re All About Service”, is about giving back. We are celebrating Services and the wonderful job done every day executing great events and extending our thanks to the organization “Dress for Success”. We ask you to join us in showing our appreciation to this organization by bringing gift cards, spa products or monetary donations. We will have “thank you” cards on hand for your staff members in attendance to sign.

National Celebrate Services Day

Monday, July 30, 2018, 8 am – 10 am

Henry B. González Convention Center – Room 220
Breakfast will be Served

Recognition of the Services Manager of the Year

This year’s Services Manager of the Year, whose dedication to provide excellent customer service, client satisfaction and teamwork, will be recognized at this exciting event! To nominate a candidate, please see attached nomination form. Nomination submissions are due on or before Friday, June 29th. The winner receives airfare, hotel and conference registration to ESPA’s Annual Conference in January 2019 held in Charlotte, NC.

Invitations have been sent to your managers via EventBrite, so encourage them to RSVP for this event in their honor. If you have further questions, contact Jerry Cantu in our Destination Services Division – or call 210.207.6851.

Looking forward to celebrating with you,

Casandra Matej
CEO / President